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Agile Tour Vilnius 2015



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The biggest event about Agile project management
and information systems development in Lithuania!

Agile Tour Lithuania 2014 will expand further this year. It will consist of two events:

Program of conference Agile Tour Vilnius 2015

Become our sponsor!

If you want to become a sponsor of Agile Tour Lithuania 2015, please write to sponsors @ agile.lt

The Tour is a nonprofit educational event which follows principles of the global Agile Tour. It is organized by Agile Lithuania association, which unites Agile practitioners from various companies in Lithuania.

Here is a talk show from Agile Tour Vilnius 2013:

Previous events

Agile Tour Vilnius 2014

Agile Tour Vilnius 2013

Agile Tour Vilnius 2012

Agile Tour Vilnius 2011

Agile Tour Vilnius 2010

